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Symptomatic visual loss from an optic tract lesion in multiple sclerosis[a 25 year old man with an acute decrease in vision] / Yichieh Shiuey
RPE and photoreceptor transplantation / Gouras P., Algvere P. V
Human neural retinal transplants into retinitis pigmentosa: facts and controversy / Manuel del Cerro, David A. DiLoreto, Constancia del Cerro, Eliot S. Lazar
Model for night blindness / Miyake Y., Horiguchi M., Satoshi S., Kondo M., Tanikawa A., Terasaki H
Candidate gene studies in canine progressive retinal atrophy / Gustavo D. Aguirre, Kunal Ray, Gregory M. Achand
Idiopathic polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy [A 52 year old Filipino female with decreased vision OD for two weeks / Haris I. Amin and Everett Ai
Relapsing polychondritis [A 19 year old man with a sore throat, ear pain, and a red eye] / Victor L. Pérez
Propionibacterium acnes subacute endophthalmitis [A 45 year old lady who complained of decreasd vision OS of one year duration after cataract surgery] / L. M. Tong and D. V. Inglesby
Search for Correlations between Severity of Retinitis Pigmentosa and Primary Mutations / Eliot L. Berson, Michael A. Sandberg, Thaddeus P. Dryja
Treatment of retinitis pigmentosa with vitamin A. / Eliot L. Berson
Posner-Schlossman syndrome (Glaucomatocyclitic crisis) [a 34 year old man with a dull ache around his left eye] / Yichieh Shiuey
Pseudo-hypopyon Uveitis due to Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) [A 24 year old woman with blurry vision and photophobia OS] / Teresa C. Chen, Debra Goldstein, Howard H. Tessler, and Elise Torczynski
Brown-McLean syndrome [A 77 year old woman seen in the optometry clinic for aphakic contact lenses] / Arutun Oganesian, Louise Sclafani, and Kenneth M. Goins
Sarcoidosis [Bilateral chronic conjunctival inflammation] / Rhea Lloyd-Muhammad, Morris Hartstein,John Woog
Saturday night retinopathy [Sudden monocular visual loss after heroine use] / Peter K. Kaiser and Simmons Lessell
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