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Histopathology of human tapetoretinal degenerations / Milam A., Li Z., Fariss, R
Elevated TIMP-3 levels in Bruch's membrane and druesen in eyes from age-related macular degenerations donors / Kamei M., Rayborn M., Apte S., Hollyfield J
Selective rod and cone ERG responses in retinal degenerations / Niemeyer G
Age-dependent visual field loss in RCS rats and the relative benefits of subretinal over intravitreal RPE transplantation / Sauvé Y., Klassen H. Whitely S. J
Digenic inheritance of a ROM1 gene mutation with a peripherin/RDS or rhodopsin mutation in families with retinitis pigmentosa / Jacobson S. G., Cideciyan A. V., Bascom R. A
Search for a medical therapy: focus on oxidative stress / Laties A
Survival factor as potential therapeutic agents for retinal degenerations: Status and prospects / La Vail M. M., Steinberg R. H
A mouse transgenic model for the P216L RDS mutation / Bok D., Travis G
Phenotypic variation in patients with mutation in the peripherin/RDS gene / Weleber R. G
ERG measures of photoreceptor deactivation in retinitis pigmentosa / Birch D. G
Post partum branch retinal artery obstruction [29 year old woman with loss of visual field in her right eye] / Sunil Deokule
Combined venous lymphatic vascular malformation [4 year old boy with proptosis of the left eye and an afferent pupillary defect] / Ramin Tayani, Peter A. D. Rubin
Tratamiento no quirúrgico del estrabismo / Betty Anne Haldi, Marilyn B. Mets
Cómo lograr mejores resultados en los pacientes con uveítis: cuál es su abordaje clínico paso a paso / Robert A. Nozik
¿Cuáles son los puntos claves en lentes de contacto? ¿Cómo podemos prevenir y manejar las complicaciones y aumentar su uso exitoso? / Louis Wilson
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